Welcome to my new blogspot page!!! I am super excited and think I should start off by telling you about myself and my adoreable family. My name is Marina but everyone calls me Mari. In the internet world I am known everywhere as Supermom. The reason for this name will be revealed a little later on. I am 30 years old and I live in Hialeah (a city inside of Miami) in sunny Florida. I am happily married and have been so for 12 years. (OMG has it been that long?!) I have two beautiful children. Jessica Marie is my precious daughter. She is 11 years old and disabled with Cerebral Palsy. She was born completely healthy and normal, and at the age of six she contracted a viral encephalitis through a mosquito bite which developed into a seizure disorder. She was having as many as 40 seizures in 1 hour!! Due to the ridiculously high amount of seizures, she had severe brain damage which is how she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. She is my little special angel and I couldn't be prouder of her. She continues to struggle daily and beat medical odds and I have faith in our saviour, Jesus Christ, that she will regain most of her functions. She is making progress and a few times I swear I have heard her say "mom" so I know she will be talking again soon!
My son, Victor "Jr" is 5 years old and boy is he a character. He just graduated from Pre-K and will be moving on to kindergarden in August. He loves Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron and monster trucks. He also loves rock music (LOL). He loves to listen to rock music on his stereo in his room and play with his guitar, pretending to be a famous rockstar! Who knows, maybe he will be someday. He is also heavily into video games and comic books. Your typical boy. He surprises me. Recently I discovered he had a girlfriend in his Pre-K class. I was shocked and proud. That's my little man!
My son, Victor "Jr" is 5 years old and boy is he a character. He just graduated from Pre-K and will be moving on to kindergarden in August. He loves Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron and monster trucks. He also loves rock music (LOL). He loves to listen to rock music on his stereo in his room and play with his guitar, pretending to be a famous rockstar! Who knows, maybe he will be someday. He is also heavily into video games and comic books. Your typical boy. He surprises me. Recently I discovered he had a girlfriend in his Pre-K class. I was shocked and proud. That's my little man!
I am a housewife. I tried working outside of the home and found it to be extremely difficult. With as many doctor appointments as my daughter has on a typical basis, no job would allow me to keep missing so my husband worked it out so I can stay home and be my daughter's full time caregiver. So I do it all with her. Prepare and administer medications, change her feeding tube, change diapers, give aerosols...believe me it is a full time job!! I feel like a nurse, the only thing I need is the diploma! (Now you know why I am Supermom). I also tend to my son, do the usual housewife duties of cooking, cleaning and laundry, I tend to my husband (he is super needy, LOL). Oh, I also run my husband's business. He owns a home inspection company and I set appointments, prepare the inspections, send invoices, like I said, RUN it. Oh, I am also a full time college student. However, since my life is chaotic enough, I attend it online. I am in my fifth term and my goal is to get a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and eventually become a Marriage and Family Therapist.
As you can see I am a very busy bee! So now you know about me and I hope you decide to become a friend. Although it seems like I don't have time for anything else, I am very devoted to my online endeavors and will be regularly posting on my blog and replying to my new friends. I will post pictures of myself and my kids and feel free to check out my myspace at www.myspace.com/mari12179.
OH my goodness - I thought MY life was hectic! I cannot believe all that you do, I am truly in awe. Your children are beautiful and you are a wonderful mother and wife. I have the utmost admiration for you!
ReplyDeleteand a gorgeous little angel she is! A handsome little boy you have there as well! Well, I guess you certainly ARE supermom! Good for you! I look forward to reading your blog!